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3x5 Of Me And You

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Of all the souvenirs, photos, baseball memorabilia, and musical instruments in my study, the item I value the most is one small 3x5 of my sister and me.


I sit with my belongings around me on the shelf
Pictures of my heroes - and one of myself
My arm around my sister as the sky is getting dark
After some forgotten game in some old nameless park

Of all of my belongings, the ones I hold most dear
Remind me of the games we played through the years

Over in the corner sit two little cans of paint
Of Red Sox red and blue, though a Rockwell I sure ain’t
For the tiny wooden table I coated yesterday
With pictures of the players I’ve cheered along the way

And though it’s taken effort to see the project through
It’ll never mean as much as the 3x5 of me and you

God, we were so young - at the height of our powers
We could throw and hit and run for hours after hours
Through a life of wins and losses, even now as I go gray
You’ve been with me all the way

I sit with my belonging and think about those days
We learned to get along, and just how hard we’d play
And though I love my trinkets and souvenirs, it’s true
They’ll never mean as much as the 3x5 of me and you

Matt Ferrara's avatar
Matt Ferrara said

Here’s to sisters. Most boys who have one become better men.
