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Alex Dionisio's favorite tracks

by Alex Dionisio



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I don’t need a pen
It just flows from within
And I do this for me
Not from externally
If you think that it’s wrong…
I’m not on that, I’m off that now, let’s go
I don’t seek approval
I only see what’s in me to do what I do
The next thing will be just rolling off my tongue
I don’t know where it will be coming from
You need to repair that house if you intend to look only from within
Something is coming around the bend
Here I am
In the truest form
Stripped naked
Just take it as it is
This is the greatest thing
Non-dressed up, no makeup
So say what you would like to say ‘cause it doesn’t matter
Here we go
Everyday, every play
There’s no way you can say what you gonna say and make someone else pay
Just make it come from the place that is confident and not gray
Seems like uneventful, unspecial, something that is not so inventive
The words will come
Seek your own worth and then just draw away from the worthless scum
You will get in the mode
Sometimes to prepare you gotta go first slow
And then it builds to crescendo
When I went for what I had to go for
I didn’t have no dough
Then the dough grow
But the currency system is worthless to me and then some
And then here I am in the physical form
I mean the metaphysical one
I’m not worn ‘cause I fixed that house up
I tore that old one down
And I put up a new one
This is just play
The next one will be on a paper
I don’t pay her
And I had to take a breather before I speak up
Everyday that we breathe here on earth
It could be different, don’t settle
You think it’s good for the people that are doing great
You think it’s good, it could be better
While you live it up
Other people are living in the rut
Think about it, here I come
A warning
I thought you were just thoughtless
But I discovered something
I ate the humble pie
And I didn’t need no secretions from the bumblebee fly
Something other than whatever I was trying to find
Take a chance once in a while
Instead of deny I defy the laws
Something other than whatever then
Runabout underwords over and under around there
Circumventing whatever circumstances I’ve been in that cause me to be venting
And then I’m here inventing
And then again whatever it is, it’s here happening
I had to extend this thing while I was just moving onward and upward
Something’s going on here that I’m not quite aware of
But it’s something beautiful
Like the face that you’re wanting from the other
Though you can’t control it
Only control yourself
Emotions management
Here I go again, back up in this
Extending the loop, inventing it too
Everyday I am into what I do
‘cause it never gets boring
Here I am, going on and on in this thing
Merit is high
Everyday I marriage this fly with something that’s greater than this, why?
Because it needs to be
Here I go, speaking
The need to flee
The need to be free I mean
Something other than
Wondering if you are just fumbling or are you just taking a grip that is stronger than ever and anyone can imagine it woulda been
Adult circumstances
Whatever happens will happen
I’m ready, can take on anything
Any and every whim
Going out on the limb
Out of the comfort zone
What do you think I own other than what is in my mind?
The cerebral network
The cyberspace of the mental
Here I am then
How? Well, now I’ll just dig from the depths of the pineal gland
As beautiful as the evergreen tree pine that descend and hits the floor, the floral floor, the foliage there, uh
Seems that we are just screaming and not dreaming in fact
We need to be seeing how this can be instead of how it is and not being in a complacent spot
Everyday I’m just saying what you will not and getting hot
Because I can’t say it in the public forum space
Maybe I can or maybe I’m just not strong enough
Everyday I think I’m just on and off
Instead of just taking chances
Need to take more chances, more risks
More advances to this bitch
Just kidding
I just am here just thinking
Need to say it
Instead of pushing the play and doing it when no one’s in my space then
Even in these times I’m happy as can be, man
This era will scare ya
But I’m doing just grand
Making you aware of my masterplan
That is that
No, that is not that
Here I am again in the flesh
Deserving the best
Thinking of this
