Alex Dionisio
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samples music/lyrics by Big D The Impossible/Talent and interpolates lyrics by 2pac
for those who are paying attention, if you want me to continue to share music from other people, then be good
‘cause when stuff builds up, it gets put on the back burner
and the analogy is traffic
if you want someone to get somewhere, you want…
I drink the tea in China
Hey you eat it, like a cow
But I can’t explain how ‘cause your brain is about the size of a pea
I like that, nice, everybody around me eating rice
Like my ancestors the Filipinos
You eat beans, and that’s all…
Keep on laughing because
I’ll creep up at ya
You won’t see me, and
Won’t see how it happened to ya
[Verse 1]
Feel as the door slams straight in your face
Feel a thousand volt electricity
Race in your pulse
Flaming up your blood…
I haven’t described myself as of late
But I will now
Who am I?
Listen to the verses
Get to know me as a person
Don’t judge me off of nothing
Turn nothing into something
Who am I?
Listen to the verses
Get to know me as a…
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[Verse 1]
Drop and give me twenty
Get up, now twenty sit-ups
Climb the stairs for resistance
Stretch your limbs and then letup
Relax, take a big breath
Breathe out, let the wind out
Do squats, lift that barbell
With reps not excessive…
Hanalynn (H): Deon, thanks for coming in, been really busy, and I just want to get the simple reviews done first
Deon (D): Okay, sounds good
H: So for the most part, you’ve been going very much above and beyond, and everyone is happy that…
[Verse 1]
Integrity integral to integers
Gibberish, that of the just natural, not detritus
Firmly wound around dignity
Sea quiet, limit speech, lips just sealed
These inhabitants free radicals
Training on battleground to stand your ground…
[Verse 1]
Why do you think getting approval from scumbags is better than being better than scumbags, or copying is better than what you have?
You, the average person, sees the dumbass and imitates them, so yes, you’re a dumbass
If all people…
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(samples music by Peder B. Helland)
Getting up free of pain after 6 to 8
Micturition and defecation free from pain or strain
A quiet home read great breathe
Nibble or eat plates of fine tastes from grass, vines, beans, peas, seeds, grains…
Good morning, America
Big race problem everywhere we are
If there’s trouble for minority
It probably ‘cause of ethnicity
If colored man is content, he is a bitch
You should let it get to you, be pissed
I wish I never been born…
[Verse 1]
Nowadays everybody hates smokers
Have ya tried it?
And they’re afraid of a little tar
Please, they’re biased
Now, ya gotta see, if you haven’t tried it before
Ya don’t know what you’re talking about
You’re being a fool
Let me…
[Verse 1]
Integrity integral to integers
Gibberish, that of the just natural, not detritus
Firmly wound around dignity
Sea quiet, limit speech, lips just sealed
These inhabitants free radicals
Training on battleground to stand your ground…
(interpolates lyrics written by Paul & Linda McCartney)
[Verse 1]
I guess you never knew, dear girl, what you had found
I guess you never knew, dear girl, that he was just the cutest thing around
I guess you never knew what you had found…
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[Verse 1]
I just got a new method
Doing something that's better than the usual thing
When anxiety strikes, you use your lungs
Noticing how the space is filled up
Today is better than yesterday
And yesterday not as much as just this day…
Hello, back up in it, chop, chop, chop, chop
Doing it big, cutting it with the produce I got from this lovely spot, international fresh market, baby
I got some jams too, it’s the quince, don’t wince, it’s delicious, could have been apple jam…
interpolates lyrics written by Illogic and Lucid Optics and samples music produced by Lucid Optics
What are you running from?
Don’t wait for tomorrow
In this world, there’s only one of you
The sun doesn’t follow
What are you running…
(samples "Don't Know Why" by Norah Jones and "Real Love" by The Beatles)
Back before Eminem was Slim Shady
This is how the kids would get crazy
After Kool Herc made the first loops out of breakbeats from the vinyl
Then Bam and…
Hello, everyone, I got some food in front of me
I’m gonna eat it, I’ma gonna tell you about it
So it’s a mix, potatoes and the beans and the grains altogether for your brain, for your body, it’s pure pleasure
Here we go
Smooth but a good chew…
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[Verse 1]
I just got done with a slog
Hard to see with the fog
I try to stay in my log cabin
I recall what’s on the other side
Which is a far off planet
I’m there, I astral project but
I am still where I have been
Back in this damn project…
Your art feels like a cross between Wesley Willis and poetry. Really interesting.
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