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Life Lessons 2 (Breatharian Rap)

Alex Dionisio

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No one is out to screw you over, no one is mad at you and no one hates you
When they tell you things are bad, things are actually fantastic
You’re the best
No one’s ultimate end stage goal is ever to cause pain and suffering to others or do harm, it’s always pure
It’s only the means, or the methods used to get to the end, that are dirty
So there’s no reason to hate anyone, no one has it out for you or anyone else
It’s just people being nice and doing their little jobs robotically, doing what they’ve been told to do, trained to do and programmed to do
Stand up for yourself when you know you are right, otherwise you will keep getting trampled on
There’s no reason to get mad
Nature is always there creating order
Eliminate all that false thinking and listen to the good-natured inner voice from within
Many small changes beget big changes
The world will not change for you
That’s why you have to take it upon yourself to improve your own lot in life
Try different things
It’ll take time and it won’t necessarily be easy, but if you positively challenge yourself everyday and stay focused, you’ll get there
Variety is the spice of life
Think outside the box, think and dream big
Spend lots of time supporting good things and little or no time attacking bad things
There’s a saying that says insanity is doing the same thing or things over and over again expecting different results; and it’s true
If something is not working, why keep doing it?
Although there is still much beauty in the world today, it’s really very nasty out there
You have to be tough, vicious too, to get to an ideal spot
It sounds mean but you have to be a killer of sorts these days to make it, to survive, get by and thrive
But just remember that it’s love that sustains, builds and evolves all life
It’s tempting, but do not be bad unto these very troubled problematic people
We’ve all been quote there at one point or another
It seems totally hopeless for the lot of them, but keep in mind that there is still the potential for better in most or many of them
If you do them dirty while in their presence, even in a passive aggressive fashion, you WILL receive blowback and negative karma
Learn from the past
It’s fine to not like them and yes they have small importance if any in the grand scheme of things, but be careful and watch yourself around them
My final message today to all the real ones out there is this:
It’s not your fault
That rests on those who have put this wicked system in place
You, not them, are awesome
So if and when you go out there into the real world, that’s how it is
Be good, don’t ever say sorry, don’t beat yourself up, and have fun
It’s gonna be great

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