211 tracks by Alex Dionisio

Alex Dionisio's avatar
[Intro] The fob, fresh off the boat, finger on the button for self-destruction Why the fuck did you come over here? [Verse 1] You’re a whore You’re responsible for the deaths of so many people What the fuck, it’s unbelievable It’s amazing…
Alex Dionisio's avatar
Monotone rappers Clone rappers Wanting dough rappers Saying nothing of importance rappers Go home rappers and reinvent the wheel rappers Or sit on the crapper rappers To get the crap out you rappers The beats are fine But you don’t speak…
Alex Dionisio's avatar
(samples music by Peder B. Helland) Getting up free of pain after 6 to 8 Micturition and defecation free from pain or strain A quiet home read great breathe Nibble or eat plates of fine tastes from grass, vines, beans, peas, seeds, grains…
Alex Dionisio's avatar
[Part 1] Big blunts and forties New Lambo off the lot, can’t afford it Bust the head of a sucka For speaking out of order Liquor on the curb For my homies not here Gotta get my bread up like yeast I ain’t talkin’ bread crumbs Fold my…
Alex Dionisio's avatar
It’s a phenomenon-enon The celebrity artist seems more chosen by the masters Than chosen by the masses Who take whatever they’ve been handed What once was talent is now talent and theatrics And flashy glamor So financial backers can cash…
Alex Dionisio's avatar
(interpolates lyrics by Nas and samples music by L.E.S. and Trackmasters) [Man 1] Hello? [Man 2] What’s up, man? [M1] Nothing really, my girl just left, she’s geeking out, talking ‘bout big house and kids, Norman Rockwell shit again [M2…
Alex Dionisio's avatar
[Verse 1] Most people spend all their time with their own kind And that makes them weak, soft in the behind Spend a whole week with the other guys Learn something, or don’t and you’re nothing, nowhere found Some think they’re helping but…
Alex Dionisio's avatar
[Verse 1] I refer you to my song, Nice If there’s redemption, hear the song twice Anyone who’s earned honest pay doing an honest trade is great But that’s not often the case in the land of milk and cases of Gatorade The woodsy forest by the…
Alex Dionisio's avatar
Alex Dionisio's avatar
[Verse] I like herbal tea, caffeine free Decaf with cream of soy, soy milk that he mean Green tea Water Or regular coffee, get it hot or hardly How about icy? I’m always partial to a nice cool glass of sparkling water My kind of elixir…
Alex Dionisio's avatar
[Verse 1] Life is what we make it and you surely played a part Life is what we make it and I surely played a part Ask yourself how many of your friends are just like you Ask yourself how many of your friends are just like me Now ask yourself…
Alex Dionisio's avatar
interpolates lyrics from "Back In The Day" by Ahmad and "Everything I Am" by Kanye West [Verse 1] I remember Super Soakers, our trampoline Playing with the neighbor kids, what a happy scene Super Nintendo and Gameboy when we had to be, inside…
Alex Dionisio's avatar
[Verse 1] I just got a new method Doing something that's better than the usual thing When anxiety strikes, you use your lungs Noticing how the space is filled up Today is better than yesterday And yesterday not as much as just this day…
Alex Dionisio's avatar
Oh you bitch and moan Complain about the things you have no control Complaining like a little [*gap*] You should look at yourself And to all you [*gap*], going home and doing what is not right at all How do you sleep at all? I can’t believe…
Alex Dionisio's avatar
Oh you bitch and moan Complain about the things you have no control Complaining like a little bitch You should look at yourself And to all you sodomites, going home and doing what is not right at all How do you sleep at all? I can’t believe…
Alex Dionisio's avatar
hey what’s up everyone so I just wanna say something really quick in the past I have said some things regarding homosexuals in my songs and I said on one of the songs at the end—this song I am referring to is Organic Rapping—I said that they…
Alex Dionisio's avatar
[Verse 1] I’m at the train depot Seeing all these people In orange vests, getting off and on the freeway Getting in me way Thinking that these slaves Must be making a dumpster out the highway for wee pay Dodging, weaving Impossible not…
Alex Dionisio's avatar
To be a beast.. That’s angelic, you need To breathe and be With the serene Aesthetic On earth and as it is In heaven Against the unwell Rebel and hop across the pond To solid ground Of a Kill How we do it it’s evil But a bald eagle…
Alex Dionisio's avatar
Note: Dr. Sattilaro strayed from the diet in the late '80s and back onto typical Western fare, his cancer returned, and he died soon thereafter. hey so just wanna pop in really quick and talk about a book I just read it’s by a doctor called…
Alex Dionisio's avatar
[Verse 1] Integrity integral to integers Gibberish, that of the just natural, not detritus Firmly wound around dignity Sea quiet, limit speech, lips just sealed These inhabitants free radicals Training on battleground to stand your ground…