from the album "Uniform"
she hides her heart under the pillow
waiting for the good fairy to come
replace this worn and broken thing
with a heart that can feel again
she's never sure which night will be her lucky one
but she anticipates…
from the album "Uniform"
she hides her heart under the pillow
waiting for the good fairy to come
replace this worn and broken thing
with a heart that can feel again
she's never sure which night will be her lucky one
but she anticipates…
from the album "Uniform"
she hides her heart under the pillow
waiting for the good fairy to come
replace this worn and broken thing
with a heart that can feel again
she's never sure which night will be her lucky one
but she anticipates…
from the album "Uniform"
she hides her heart under the pillow
waiting for the good fairy to come
replace this worn and broken thing
with a heart that can feel again
she's never sure which night will be her lucky one
but she anticipates…
from the album "Uniform"
she hides her heart under the pillow
waiting for the good fairy to come
replace this worn and broken thing
with a heart that can feel again
she's never sure which night will be her lucky one
but she anticipates…
K.G. made gold with this one. words are oh so good. J.H. broke away from his bass and added a very nice banjo part. i did a little clapton bending . i think this is a magical moment for our band. we all came together at the end and did it! i hope…
K.G. made gold with this one. words are oh so good. J.H. broke away from his bass and added a very nice banjo part. i did a little clapton bending . i think this is a magical moment for our band. we all came together at the end and did it! i hope…
K.G. made gold with this one. words are oh so good. J.H. broke away from his bass and added a very nice banjo part. i did a little clapton bending . i think this is a magical moment for our band. we all came together at the end and did it! i hope…
i tell K.G. that this one is like the allman brothers and bruce springsteen doing a tune together. another kick ass K.G. tune. we played this thing alot and nailed this take live!
releasing my inner ozzy and tony iommi. had lots of fun with this one. started as a little middle of jam practice thing at the end of january. boy it took off. the whole band live on this one! this song is dedicated to Moschell, who motivated…
from the album "Uniform"
she hides her heart under the pillow
waiting for the good fairy to come
replace this worn and broken thing
with a heart that can feel again
she's never sure which night will be her lucky one
but she anticipates…
from the album "Uniform"
she hides her heart under the pillow
waiting for the good fairy to come
replace this worn and broken thing
with a heart that can feel again
she's never sure which night will be her lucky one
but she anticipates…
from the album "Uniform"
she hides her heart under the pillow
waiting for the good fairy to come
replace this worn and broken thing
with a heart that can feel again
she's never sure which night will be her lucky one
but she anticipates…
from the album "Que Vive!"
I’m not the same as anyone else
unique as a star inside
exceptional follows me everywhere
I’ve run out of places to hide
happily fire star blind
a singular real anomaly
peerless among my kind
don’t bother trying to…
from the album "Que Vive!"
I’m not the same as anyone else
unique as a star inside
exceptional follows me everywhere
I’ve run out of places to hide
happily fire star blind
a singular real anomaly
peerless among my kind
don’t bother trying to…
from the album "Que Vive!"
the faces blend together, form an enemy
the faces blur, who’s the friend and who’s the enemy
guilty is a feeling
all human’s cry freedom from the enemy
all the while freedom’s just not listening
guilty is a feeling…
from the album "Que Vive!"
where am i? in disguise, watching you
almost invisible
you can’t see sights are locked on your face
finger sweating
heavy breathing
take the shot, no remorse, nothing left
disappear, leave no trace, moving…
Comments on am/fm dreams's stuff
Love the song, but is it peaking out a little?
Smokin rythm guitar. great vocals
Comments made by am/fm dreams
another fav - love that accordian
This reminds me of a Canadian band from Vancouver called Moist
this groove is sick...i love the way the drums and bass are just locked that a fretless
I love this one man, killer beat!
Hey that our RPM is done and submitted I can finally sit down for that full listen I've been looking forward to...great opening track!
BTW i love this fav
Thanks a lot. Great 2012 album - I love the variety of styles throughout and diversity of voices on the record. Well done!
cool...reminds me of Lou Reed!
very Sabbath-esque! nice
nice...LOVE the accordian
great organ
nice!...very late 80's Peter Gabriel
your vocals sound deadly on these tunes Brent!
what tuning did you use for these low...this could be off ALice In CHains "Facelift"
great tool vibe!
wow...great work billy..very mark knophler