am/fm dreams's listening history

Mannequin Races's avatar
This song is based around a sample that I took of my dish washer. The sample starts out simple enough and then gets more chopped up at the end. The song evolved from there. Also in this song is a new pedal I got that is a photo theremin. You…
Mannequin Races's avatar
I'm not sure if I'll keep the song title. Anyway, this song is more about feeling I guess. At times the song feels happy, then creepy, then sad or dissonant. How does this song make you feel?! Thanks for listening!
Double Meanings's avatar
Sudara says: Just found this on my iPod. Basically it was the first full mix of the tune, before it passed back to glu and then back to Sudara for the "original" version. This is heavier, more energy, less fraility, and in Sudara's opinion a…
Sudara's avatar
Written for/about Ben Montgomery. Answering machine messages wondering where he might be are from yours truly and Jason Biehler, his two closest friends who were always trying to track him down.
Sudara's avatar
Also known as Cooking With Condiments! A snack. Nothing much of substance in the cupboards or fridge, but doesn't mean you should go without eating.
Sudara's avatar
A typical folk song. Written and recorded in about an hour for the 24 hour album (attempted on March 13th). Excuse roughness and vocal glitches, it was 2am and this was my first full take. Thanks to montgomeru for his chord suggestions…
glu's avatar
glu's avatar
more bioelectrophilia... titi monkeys, sakis, toucans...
glu's avatar
This song was made with only two short bird samples. 1) A wild screaming pija and 2)parrot. I made it last night after taking an antihistamine for all the chigger bites. paz.
glu's avatar
titi monkeys duet in the mornings with their mates. I thought a smooth R&B groove would be most suitable for this sample.