am/fm dreams's listening history
The lyrics are inspired by King Crimson's "The World's My Oyster Soup Kitchen Floor Wax Museum" where each word is connected only to the next word.
This piece takes some liberty with that idea and incorporates phrases, verbs and connecting words…
Our son loves using the phone even if it's one handset to the other. Occasionally he would get close enough to cause feedback. Using a cell phone on speaker, along with the handset on speaker, creates a different kind of feedback with delay and…
Noodling around one evening, playing with harmonics with a crunchy autowah patch.
A simple three note progression moved around the fretboard.
This particular song was intended to be more uplifting until the G/G# line was laid down. The tension provided by that pairing changed the nature of the song, so the vocals changed to suit, a distortion effect was added, and the low toms finished…
The idea for this song came from an article on that profiled Dan Aykroyd and his skull vodka, which is made from Newfoundland and Labrador iceberg water. As soon as I saw the title of the article, I had the chorus, and knew that I…
All first take improvisations. 8 tracks of madness for your enjoyment. Ear goggles will put you inside this piece. Not recommended for the faint of heart!
Recorded between 9AM - 7PM on the 26th of February.
Featuring Mark Hubbard & Duma, on didj & percussion respectively, this one begins as the most traditionally structured piece on the album. But don't get used to it, it doesn't last long... just enough to ease you into the formlessness…
Featuring Mark Hubbard & Duma, on didj & percussion respectively, this one begins as the most traditionally structured piece on the album. But don't get used to it, it doesn't last long... just enough to ease you into the formlessness…