AMUC's listening history
Her Low Budget Nightmare : Track 12.
Title track for the album. I had the melody and lyrics for this song bouncing around in my head for years, and needed to do something with it.
Remember when life was simpler prior to all the complexities…
Her Low Budget Nightmare : Track 11.
Full song title is 'Knock On The Door Of The House That Isn't There.'
Yes -- that is a Welcome to Night Vale reference. =)
Freesound Samples Used :
Her Low Budget Nightmare : Track 11.
The Japanese apparently have built sheep automatons capable of cyclically trotting past you in bed, so you can count them. Studies show this can assist to initiate the sleep process in those with insomnia…
Her Low Budget Nightmare : Track 10.
Er - um. With apologies to anybody old enough to accurately remember the Disco Era.
Freesound Samples Used :
This is a redo of "I've Made Myself A Wall", from the 2009 24 hour challenge on Alonetone.
I thought the original version was a little bland, so I wanted to take a stab at breathing some fresh life into it.
For my last RPM Challenge album…
Her Low Budget Nightmare : Track 12.
Title track for the album. I had the melody and lyrics for this song bouncing around in my head for years, and needed to do something with it.
Remember when life was simpler prior to all the complexities…
Her Low Budget Nightmare : Track 12.
Title track for the album. I had the melody and lyrics for this song bouncing around in my head for years, and needed to do something with it.
Remember when life was simpler prior to all the complexities…
Love is an illusion, especially when you love a hologram.