AMUC's listening history

Tipu's avatar
Bass looping this time.
Tipu's avatar
This was a 30 minute album, but the first 20 minutes got screwed up :( It is one take, but I forgot you can't replace instruments during the recording, as in you can but the previous instrument just vanishes. Hence only the remaining 10 minutes…
newnobility's avatar
Aussie hi-tech pop band New Nobility and their latest single "Paradise",
newnobility's avatar
New Nobility" has taken the indie charts by storm across the globe with Galactic from their newest album BLUE BUTTERFLY (REVOLUTION). Following on with their second track from their EP, the title track "Blue Butterfly (Australia)" pays homage…
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A folksy number inspired by the stories my nan told me many moons ago about her uncle Herbie.. Herein lies the story, of a man named Herbie Jones. Not a million miles away from a man you might have known. A miner in the twenties, blue scars…
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
It aint like no ones done this before But how can you tire of beautiful chords In the fifties In Tenessee Where my love was born Two young men upped and crossed the yard both cold cos it was rainin hard. One of them turned said…
AMUC's avatar
Part Of Kitchen Sink, the RPM 2012 album for AMUC. Freesound sample used: 41751_digifishmusic_gaaaas.wav
AMUC's avatar
Part Of Kitchen Sink, the RPM 2012 album for AMUC. It started out as a tribute to the old sci-fi movie, "The Quiet Earth", and became something else. Freesound samples used: 42190__digifishmusic__siiiilence.wav 20765__radian__sorrysorry…
AMUC's avatar
Part Of Kitchen Sink, the RPM 2012 album for AMUC. Freesound Samples Used: 18451_zippi1_sound_singing4.wav