AMUC's listening history

AMUC's avatar
Part Of Kitchen Sink, the RPM 2012 album for AMUC.
AMUC's avatar
From RPM 2012 album, "The Kitchen Sink" First track - title comes from an unintended vocal sample. 2/26/12 MPT: I already uploaded a fresh copy. I wanted it to sound like a vocal ensemble in a dumpster, but I might have initially gone overkill…
AMUC's avatar
Part Of Kitchen Sink, the RPM 2012 album for AMUC.
AMUC's avatar
Part Of Kitchen Sink, the RPM 2012 album for AMUC. I was planning to write a love song, but .. it didn't quite come out that way. 3/11/12 - I re-recorded the first verse with better-sounding vocals. I'm leaving the version on the RPM Jukebox…
AMUC's avatar
Part Of Kitchen Sink, the RPM 2012 album for AMUC. Not sure what genre this would fit into: Experimental Corporate Gothic Steampunk Electro-folk? (Although, I guess the 'experimental' is sort of implied by the rest of the name.)
AMUC's avatar
Part Of Kitchen Sink, the RPM 2012 album for AMUC. It started out as a tribute to the old sci-fi movie, "The Quiet Earth", and became something else. Freesound samples used: 42190__digifishmusic__siiiilence.wav 20765__radian__sorrysorry…
AMUC's avatar
Part Of Kitchen Sink, the RPM 2012 album for AMUC. Freesound Samples Used: 18451_zippi1_sound_singing4.wav
AMUC's avatar
Part Of Kitchen Sink, the RPM 2012 album for AMUC. It's technically "Tobias The Battery-Powered Hermit", but the field wasn't long enough. =)
Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is the third song from the Thomas - Lennon project. A collaboration with Michael Thomas of Cave Street. Lyrics and vocals - Michael Thomas Wildgeas Music - Paul Lennon Enjoy! Love is Free as you let it…
CMOR's avatar
The best medicine tastes the worst!!