AMUC's listening history

uglifruit's avatar
05 Lessons We Learned You told me you were there to learn But we ought to have taught one another instead of fought I thought I told you I’d nothing to prove But summer came and you moved away So I went back to school September – Another…
Remains's avatar
The Art Of Scaring Small Children Track 1
lgh's avatar
SongCrafter's website is running a Psych-Fest, and well it has been too long since anyone has covered Napoleon XIV anyway, so why not? Why not, I ask? You drove me outta my stinkin' mind, you mangy mutt!!!! So, ...... well, have a listen LG
AMUC's avatar
Sometimes it's easier to run with the flawed routines we're familiar with than to turn over a new leaf.. Compare to "Firecracker" and "Livewire" from RPM 2010 and 2009 respectively.
AMUC's avatar
.. only words will remain when the $h!t hits the fan. It was a quote from an older song I wrote [Terrestrial Epitaph In Shortwave], and I felt the need to develop it further here. It amazes me how much free advice there is out there etched…
AMUC's avatar
.. only words will remain when the $h!t hits the fan. It was a quote from an older song I wrote [Terrestrial Epitaph In Shortwave], and I felt the need to develop it further here. It amazes me how much free advice there is out there etched…
Newbold's avatar
had to stretch the song to fit the video but I will not be able to post the video till it is rendered and uploaded : these latest expriments are with both the vocoders going into the other from the mixed outs of both.,
AMUC's avatar
Jane Doe recollects the night before, as fractured thoughts loop on the damaged neurological hardware.
AMUC's avatar
Served as inspiration for "Livewire" from RPM 2009. The morning after the accident. Machines are much easier to rebuild than people are.
Six Notes's avatar