325 tracks by AMUC
A tale of thirteen clueless robots forever corrupted by odd time signatures and Mike Portnoy drum solos. And they go on an adventure, and rescue a robot princess or something.
(Soon to be adapted by Hollywood as a major motion picture, considering…
There lied a town with cobblestone streets, lifeless save for the humming of mist-driven automatons who did their masters bidding.
You hear a radiant voice exclaim :
I'm a purveyor of knick-knacks, gizmos, and widgets of all sizes and wonders…
As the Programmer adds lines of code, the sprite gradually takes form, going from a 2D fabrication to a 4D creature vibrant with life. The Programmer smiles at his work.
Freesound Samples :
* 254421__jagadamba__simulated-robot-android-cyborg…
read between the lines
dead stare Venetian blinds
death from your radar sight
sullen glares you avoid the light
reach beyond your eyes
stew deluded truth
into convenient lies
Adrift In Gilded Mist
A Rancid Sauce
This Deceptive…
The shiny silver apparatus was most efficient at ferrying its passenger at extraordinary speeds to nowhere in particular worth going.
Freesound Samples :
* 277367__jumpel__time-hall
* 95544__vumanize__celia
* 346690__deleted_user_2104797__lift…
Let The Neurons Go
Right Out Of One Void
And Into Another
blank stare
clean slate
brain dead
in a factory state
Robot wants to go to heaven, but wasn't designed for cloud escalators. Robot begs the drones to take it up to the clouds, but St. Peter objects from his heavenly tollbooth.
time would like
to have a word
it waits out
in the rain
it's bleeded dry
time passes by
not doing anything
the time has come
SOME will be done
day after seamless day
time and again
no start no end
the time it wastes away…
Whatever twisted fate befell those contaminated by the orange mutagen, they began to wriggle, writhe, and squirm their way from the subway, swamps, and sewers, to spread their glowing cheer.
Freesound Samples Used :
biding his time
when the worlds might rewind
re-season the plan
increasing command
trying his damndest
not to f--- it up again
he says hey Lady Luck
can you let me win this one
I bet you're having fun
watching me fumble and forever…
A dangerous game of "How Many Synthesizers Can I Use Before The Computer Catches On Fire?"
come on home
mama's in the kitchen
silence on the phone
some of the pieces still missing
you've been away
for quite a while
a missing link
a broken file
bad glitchy code
that still persists
electric ghost
that's twice unblessed…
I could see her reflection in the glass windows of the ever growing skyscrapers in the city. I could see her reflection staring back at me from the rivers, and the computer screens, and the bottoms of compact discs. She still lived somewhere…
diverging tributaries
an island sanctuary
safe from the stream
stone somber non-dream
she attempts to read the telemetry
of this vast temporal sea
An island of clocks tied in knots
Pause prison for those that time forgot
flotsam and jetsam
tossed ephemera
unanswerable question
entropic enigma
She Crept Through The Lost And Found
Seeking Pieces Of Her Thoughts And Dreams
Unaware That The World Around
Still Flowed Past As A Slow-Moving Stream
time is…
off the tracks
I fell off the grid
red balloon rising
with a runaway ID
I won't come back
I've rose too far
propelled by bottle lightning
that's exactly what we are
to these distant stars
we aim to live
and surpass our scars…
Synopsis :
I'm riding around in a Yugo, thoroughly lost in the woods. I have passed by the same French cafe thirteen times now, and each time I go in, they're speaking an entirely different language, and it's never French.
I was trying to exorcise my demons, but they aren't terribly adept at volcabulary, and figured I wanted them to hop on a treadmill and burn off some calories.
(Headphones recommended...)
Freesound Samples Used :
* 508454_owstu_female_voice_doodling…
i remember birds
omnipresent in all directions
ears echo-locating
distant flocks
signalling from trees
in ticks and tocks
(headphones strongly recommended)
Freesound Samples used :
* 623617_roses1401_lost-in-lover-whisper-words…