298 tracks by AMUC

AMUC's avatar
This one may evolve further. Radiation does lead to mutation. (If you want to remix it, go nuts.)
AMUC's avatar
Mark Your Way Escape The Glow Of Yesterday Don't Despair Now There's Nothing Everywhere oh my god what have you done? a lifeless sky and crayon sun tried your best to reverse the hex failed so much on this second chance blind actor…
AMUC's avatar
The earliest research into vaccines actually involved milk maidens, who got cowpox from the cows they milked, and couldn't get smallpox later as a result. Sample used (from Freesound) : 256994_afleetingspeck_singing-voice-3-octaves
AMUC's avatar
cast aside the scenes you see I'll help you find your voice the future's fast as Doppler blurs but there always was a choice No Air Support The Sun Is Low Up In The Skies It Refused To Grow beware the talking screens they persist but…
AMUC's avatar
You peer out from the diner and see nothing. The further out you gaze, the more dilated the light becomes, leading to an infinite band of seamless white nothing.
AMUC's avatar
What kind of twisted infinity loop have you managed to get yourself stuck in? Time seems to weave in and out like some kind of Gordian knot.
AMUC's avatar
The CB Radio in the corner echoes with an idle static, but something sounds peculiar - it's no noise you've ever heard before. There's something intelligent about it, like it's peering out of the speaker and looking right at you.
AMUC's avatar
I'm not a trick of the shadows. You're the trick of light.
AMUC's avatar
Well, it tasted like Creamsicle. Perhaps the giant radioactive insignia on the outside of the flask was meant to be a warning or something. After your sixth beer, you tend to ignore stuff like that.
AMUC's avatar
You're hitchhiking, with no recollection of how you came to be here. A route with an irregular number has never been a positive sign.
AMUC's avatar
Yeah - don't even think Houdini could get himself out of this mess. Ever tried picking the quantum lock on a wormhole?
AMUC's avatar
Are you hallucinating again?
AMUC's avatar
The waking dream ends before it began. Trailing off to quantum uncertainty.
AMUC's avatar
On an elevator, we exist in a perpetual uncertain state between different floors.
AMUC's avatar
They try and find a way to reach you, but it's like concrete.
AMUC's avatar
Or is this some sort of dream? "Sleep come soon, and white away the room." Perhaps this is a dream you shouldn't be having. Some doors are best left unopened.
AMUC's avatar
verse 1 the train has left the station the terminal is bare there's stirrings in the psyche ward it's something in the air that same old aggravation old dog that bit the hare a motion blur on the chessboard which pawns have played…
AMUC's avatar
You sent me light years away to have a look at a cartoon dog and a two dimensional pancake. I'm cold and sick of being motion sick.
AMUC's avatar
A wise Canadian once said that things still happen in the chronological spackle that fills in the space between the narrated events.
AMUC's avatar
a path of light to forever flowing forth like a stream a path of light I remember cutting me off from the dream your dawning day has come your hands been raised to overtake the sun the doorbell has been chimed you must now awake man there…