Anthony Sweet's listening history

pooler's avatar
dwalsh's avatar
Protest song about the war in Iraq. Very Incubus influenced from the Light Grenades album
Vincent Tomasso's avatar
This song was written and recorded for my 2009 RPM Challenge album "Relative Polyphonic Mutiny". I was watching a biography of Willie Nelson and so this was my attempt at something I thought he might do. I don't hate the song, but I freely admit…
Black Pepper Sea's avatar
An older song from a previous band that was never quite captured to my satisfaction. I was going for very laid-back "Pale Blue Eyes" vibe.
Vincent Tomasso's avatar
This song was written and recorded for my 2009 RPM Challenge album "Relative Polyphonic Mutiny". I was watching a biography of Willie Nelson and so this was my attempt at something I thought he might do. I don't hate the song, but I freely admit…
 ShamPain's avatar
Folky song about a mans life at sea. written a few years ago.
 ShamPain's avatar
This was done using a vocal track that Imogen Heap put up. This is my music to back that up. 90% of it was done using a roland guitar synth, the gr20
 ShamPain's avatar
Folky song about a mans life at sea. written a few years ago.
Endicott Road's avatar
Self descriptive
Anu's avatar
*"We all live in a little Village...your Village may be different from other people's Villages, but we are all prisoners." -* **_Patrick McGoohan_** Modern electronic guitar rock. One day you awaken in a different place Where the names…