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the last of the detuned


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the end program

Guest said

dirty stirs with delays. this is good stuff!

Welcome to Forever's avatar
Welcome to Forever said

Very odd. But, original!

b3nny's avatar
b3nny said

i drew a patch in maxmsp. are you familiar? and then i messed around with it and used it in the same time, producing this in the end. the melody is an adlib and is in fact a jam on the machine, after having gotten comfortable with it, while building it. the patch is 2 oscs (added together) split into 32 delays and each delay has a feedback and the time of the delay is a multiple of the frequency of the oscillators. some parameters can be adjusted for each delay individually, and these are: feedback, time (multiplier of frequency), attack for osc env, decay for osc env, phaseshift frequency for feedback, phaseshift resonance/Q for feedback and multipliers for frequency on each oscillator. and then i overdrive the incoming signal a lot, making it very dirty.

mmi's avatar
mmi said

Very interesting. I'd be interested to hear more about your approach.

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