beckwith's listening history

beckwith's avatar
The "standout" track of the bunch. This one came out of nowhere, just appeared in my head one day and the family chaos in the living room seemed to be in the background while I was writing these lyrics. Thankfully that's all it took as I feel…
beckwith's avatar
Started with a B-A-A-S-S line. Digi on the guitar!
beckwith's avatar
This certainly could have been recorded again to be cleaned up on vox and guitar, but I felt the background commentary added just the right touch :)
beckwith's avatar
This needed a real band/orchestra. But the keyboard did a descent job.
FDR's avatar
A little ditty i recorded at the weekend and then sent off to the Mighty Two Regs to strut his stuff all over and man that boy can sing!!! Cheers Reg,your a star!!!
Cave Street's avatar
This is track number thirteen, the final track from our 2014 RPM album, [Eleven]( This is the last of three bonus tracks that each have parts that were recorded in February but also some elements…
Cave Street's avatar
Wizard Mountain -- This is track number twelve from our 2014 RPM album, [Eleven]( This is the second of three bonus tracks that each have parts that were recorded in February but also some…
Cave Street's avatar
Static Drift -- This is track number eleven from our 2014 RPM album, [Eleven]( This is the first of three bonus tracks that each have parts that were recorded in February but also some elements…
Cave Street's avatar
Early February improv with Treefrog on vocals, whistles, sounds & fx ------------------------------------------------- This is track ten from our 2014 RPM album, [Eleven](
Cave Street's avatar
The flames were visible for miles -- Solo guitar improv - playing around with the new loop pedal. This is track nine from our 2014 RPM album, [Eleven](