Billy Jack's listening history

Billy Jack's avatar
A bit a space there for vocals whoever wants to take a shot at it.
Billy Jack's avatar
Vox-Lyrics by thetworegs, music by Billy Jack HARD DRIVE HOME the clouds form the sun has gone the rain begins to falls what was it what did it i do what turned our love into stone what makes me listen to the love songs on the radio…
Billy Jack's avatar
The final track on my RPM2012 album released a second time with lyrics and vocals by David Ewing of thetworegs. First track of mine to ever have vocals. Still trying to figure out how he came up his contribution in less than 24 hours, don't…
R. J. Garn's avatar
Newest song Ive written and recorded. Recorded at my sons home studio. My son produced, co wrote, and he plays the great lead guitar on the tune. Copyright by R.J. Garn and Jim Garn, December 2017.
Al's left hand's avatar
Jason H. Austin's avatar first i recorded the guitar then the drums then the vocals mesa mini recto 2 12 57 warwick 5 string carvin 8 string roland td30k v drums ssd4 reason 10
James Michael Taylor's avatar
LANCASTER STREET Midnight in Cowtown. 90 degrees Too hot for a blanket. Too hot for a sheet The trash on the sidewalk is trying to sleep Breathing the bus fumes on Lancaster Street Sunshine brings tacos. Sunshine brings beans. Sunshine…
Cline's Mind's avatar
This music for this song was written in the first part of 2018, but has been waiting on vocals. Well they just got done and this is one of my most brutal songs to date. All music written & produced by Tom Cline. All vocals recorded by Mike…
vaisvil's avatar
Guitar and Bass
kavin.'s avatar
7 acoustic guitar improvs from April all stuck together.