Billy Jack's listening history

oldfolks2's avatar
So, I had this mad idea of a song with just two chords, well I do like a bit of insanity now and again.
oldfolks2's avatar
No bells or whistles on this, just one take. Any good ? Well it's out there now.
Billy Jack's avatar
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Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) Okies, so I'm working on some other thing and it's taking a while... drums to do and wotnot. But in the middle of it I'm digging how my Martin acoustic is working out. You probs won't even be able to hear it amongst…
Sudara's avatar
Another bach chorale in slow motion. This time whipped to stiff peaks with 8 bars of generic trappy beats. ![]( To be continued or not, that's always the question…
Andrew Russe's avatar
First new one from me in a long time. Kind of a love song, I guess. Recorded in my new "studio" (3rd bedroom in the new house). Almost up and running now... shine and don't stop wondering! **** **Shine - A A J Russe** On my way…
Andrew Russe's avatar
New one from me. It's ended up as a bit of a "crying into yer beer at Bob's Country Bunker" sort of song lol... I've been sat on these lyrics in some form or another for absolutely years. I first wrote them one very dark night a few years after…