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Salvación (Para Ti) (2003)

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It may be the culture but I think you wise
The day you crept close to me
I found my mind silent
Wanting to run my hands through your soul

The jazz wails with Miles and Coltrane behind
Singing of youthful times
Of all things pure and silk
While your smile calls blindly for my love

I want to play the guitar fluently like love
I want to massage your heart
And carry your bags of blues

And let me be the one to call to the night
And whisper a peace
Of better lives, of better times
An answer to this dream

It may be the culture or just my feeble mind
To want to hold Salva(tion)’s arms
And sing the lyrics of desire

When Jonny takes the mic
My dreams take shape
The world stops dying
From his notes pour his soul

My Salva(tion)
My one belief
It’s you
