Breaking Light's listening history

The Very Us Artists's avatar
Inspired by and in collaboration with [My First Dictionary](, watcher in the tower [Joshua Wentz]( pays per view on the television. This song is totally for the birds…
the spirit dies's avatar
written with someone in mind...the idea came from watching a it comes together in three parts almost...
Breaking Light's avatar
live @ Dunn Bros. in Keller, Tx. 1/29/10 Took me awhile to get my legs here, as evidenced by the sloppy playing. The bulk of this is the tune "Blue Hour".
shakuhachi's avatar
Peter G. Brown's avatar
Haven't done one like this in awhile. A bit more upbeat and "riffy" but I tried to keep it pretty sparse. Thanks everyone. 2010
Tuta's avatar
Derek Dibbern's avatar
Based on the prophecy by Grandfather that when "the Great Change" (apocalypse/armageddon/birth of new earth) was about to occur, the sky would turn red. When the sky turns red, get outta dodge! Hit the wilderness, and you better know how to…
Tuta's avatar
Trino Epaminondas Tuta
Mannequin Races's avatar
I think this is the first song that I've posted here under Mannequin Races that actually has a guitar in it. You can't really tell that it's a guitar but it's in there (middle section around the 1:50 mark). The guitar is heavily modulated but…
Max Sipowicz's avatar
Another piece using my looper. This time it's highly improvised. The main rhythm is looped, but the rest is improvised and going through a delay pedal to create some abstract and beautiful sounds.