Brett Warren's listening history

erocnet's avatar
Source: Guitar
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
Pure Data creation, 4 loops somewhat composed and each loop captured real time.
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
This is a piece that I did recently for documentary put together by my son for a friend's art installation on care maps. Solo dulcimer.
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
Experiments with a new pedal I got for Christmas, dulcimer and live cassette looping on the latter part. The pedal called Meltdown is by creator Nicky Fuzzbox (
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
Inspired by a work by composer David Beardsley titled Pause. This is in that influence and is more thought out composed than improvised and using the oscillator waves more Enoesque. For the new year.
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
Fell from the sky drony Fahey blues on mountain dulcimer.
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
Pure Data creation, 4 loops somewhat composed and each loop captured real time.
Radio Roswell's avatar
All Clear Words and Music by Jeff Cole ©2021 Turn the radio dial to the fast flow retrograde. Talk about it . Preaching to the fray. It's all about yesterday All Clear La la la la la la la la When the dominoes fall which one…
vaisvil's avatar
usually it is a mistake for me to upload right when I just layed down some tracks. But I've been cooking this through the week... I ruin Alan Parson's Project "I Wouldn't Want to be Like You" from the "I Robot" album. Intentionally not trying…
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
Pure Data creation, 4 loops somewhat composed and each loop captured real time.