Brett Warren's listening history

Gary Fox's avatar
With a title like this, you have to listen once, right? There's a lot to tell about this one, but instead I will just say I had a lot of fun doing all the gtr parts on this one. I also really like the bass part in the chorus, which sounds a bit…
Gary Fox's avatar
What's rock and roll without a yee-haw or war-whoop before a solo? This ragged piece of something or other came from a riff I had laying around for a couple of years. I pieced it together kind of last minute for RPM 2006. It's not bad, a lot…
Gary Fox's avatar
This one is a personal favorite of mine, though it got savaged on Ah well... It has a lot of parts, lots of gtrs, and boatloads of harmonies. Actually, one guy on Garageband loved it. Maybe some day I will buy him a drink. Listen…
Gary Fox's avatar
Turn this one up REALLY FREAKING LOUD! Written, recorded and polished off in about 45 minutes or so. Clearly my British influence shines forth in this one, right down to the SG through a Vox amp tones and backward riffs here and there. (and…
Gary Fox's avatar
This one started as a the title line while driving in my car. All I had was the line and it's melody. I built the song around that about 6 months later. The lyrics are self explanatory.
Gary Fox's avatar
This song started as the riff on my Strat while fooling around with some FX. I knew it needed to be a big dance number, and then realized there is a great story about the power of music and dance, which I hid in the lyrics. See if you can figure…
Gary Fox's avatar
It's about a few folks, some known, some known to me. I liked the chunkiness of the chord that starts it, but wanted to do something a little more 'spacey' than a pure rock number. It's all true too.
Gary Fox's avatar
A little fun riff that came from noodling on my Epi whilst watching the idiot box one night. It's kind of written for a friend who is a little lost in a self-imposed exile from life.
Gary Fox's avatar
A brief glimpse, but that's all. Inspired by last April. It's for everyone, but no one in particular. Yes, this one gives more than a passing nod to Ham and Evans. Thanks gents!
Gary Fox's avatar
Songs sometimes are best left to the listener. This is one of them.