Brett Warren's listening history

AMUC's avatar
August 24 hour challenge.. Irving Finkelstein wanted to rap, but the 1 BPM tempo was just too much for him.
AMUC's avatar
Part 3 of the Format Sea suite. Probably the closest thing to honest-to-goodness electronica here.
AMUC's avatar
It's not much of a life trapped inside a cocoon of your own making. Finale from "Dead In The Water" album. A longer track, but it's worth the time to fully digest.
AMUC's avatar
A quick transitional piece - sort of a hybrid of ambient drone and louder rock.
AMUC's avatar
Trapped, Suffocating Inside A Snowglobe. Written in 2007 after a particularly brutal winter. (Spring was taking its precious time manifesting.) It kind of expanded from there, taking on a new meaning, as the lyrics perculated.
AMUC's avatar
If "Jenny Blue" is the closer, and "Shrinking Violet" is the outro, then this is the postlude to the outro. The only track I played in real-time on from beginning to end. (No idea how I managed to pull that off..)
AMUC's avatar
Format Sea - Part Four. The outro. (One of the spots where I actually think I got the vocals fairly okay.)
AMUC's avatar
Self-titled opening track from Dead In The Water. Part one of the Format Sea suite.
AMUC's avatar
A well of thoughts continues, but who is it dreaming in the white room? Midnight has drifted away, and we're headed towards the dawn of the next day.
quill's avatar
Well there's one kind favour I'll ask of you See that my grave is kept clean Well there's two white horses in a line Carryin' me to my buryin' ground Dig my grave with a silver spade And lower me down with a golden chain If you ever…