Brett Warren's listening history
I'd intended to try some different things with playing my dizi (Chinese bamboo flute) at very low volume with little breath pressure but listening back to the result it sounds like a series of old-style whistling kettles sequentially coming to…
My usual generic mid-tempo rock tune. This was written on the guitar rather than on a midi instrument in GarageBand, so I like it a little for that alone. Really though, the whole thing is worth it for the four bar disco break toward the end…
I forgot to write an ending for this one. That's why it fades out. Lots of squawky saxophone. I must have been running out of gas when I recorded it. The lower vocal part has a lot of iffy pitches. I'm sort of glissing between notes and I…
a very easy and low-fi synthesizer and electronic drum session with vst- synthesizer plug- in.
Lap steel and Pure Data. Testing setup for live event tomorrow. One of the results here. 7 10 sec loop tables interactive and mixed.