Brian Bazeley's listening history
This traditional Cuban rhythm is the well established "go-to" pattern for 4/4 songs. It is perhaps the most commonly heard conga pattern in 4/4 music. The bongo pattern that accompanies the congas is referred to as "martillo" (the hammer…
Just a little riff that need a few more things added to it. Perhaps a bit of subhamoic yodeling.
Just another little riffet I've been playing around with.
Just one more that has been floating around in the old noggin for a while.
Anything that is uploaded by Louis I have a compulsion to add a bass line too.
They recon if you go down any mine in the world you'll find a Cornishman there working.
Colin did the vocals and twelve string
Matthew did Balron, whistle, backing vocals ect.
I did the acoustic and backing vocals.
Here's a little Cornish ditty about a cider drinker.
The same crew that did cousin jack and Alison on flute.