Tom's listening history

doktordoktor's avatar
An attempt at Rock and dance fusion. It's meant to be a catchy toe tapper, head nodder, or whatever else you shake when you listen to music.
The Red Sleeves's avatar
Tom's avatar
by Mason Jennings
The Proods's avatar
Miles Away is a very simple guitar riff and lyrics that match, but it's a song that came from the heart of one of the band's members. It's kind of a tune about a newly married most Prood songs it was recorded after one or two rehearsals…
The Proods's avatar
Another tune about an inappropriate school teacher
The Proods's avatar
"Castaway of Love" is a song by Brian, one of our guitar players who until now has been shy about sharing his talent. When he told me the title of this song I was expecting a 1920's style megaphone crooner melody, but was happily surprised by…
The Proods's avatar
Once in a nightmare I knew you then I think we were related, I'm not sure maybe we were strangers. We'd look in windows and climb the trees that grew, and if it'd rained outside we'd take off our shoes. And when I'd see you I would…
doktordoktor's avatar
My light-hearted take on a serious issue. Over- prescription of powerful and addictive drugs, and the unknown and (to some) worrying relationship between doctors and the drug companies. Disclaimer: Dr. Kreviss is a fictional character, and any…
doktordoktor's avatar
Synth, drums and some guitar
doktordoktor's avatar