Tom's listening history

Oh My Goodness's avatar
i made this song up real fast. and i obviously threw it into the computer real fast. i have trouble with levels. but then again, that's what the songs about. let's hear it for Temper Tantrums!
Oh My Goodness's avatar
Oh My Goodness's avatar
i made this song up real fast. and i obviously threw it into the computer real fast. i have trouble with levels. but then again, that's what the songs about. let's hear it for Temper Tantrums!
jennifer's avatar
I am singing/vocalizing audio to accompany short scenes in a film made by an artist friend of mine. She calls it "Pattern Pattern". This segment goes with a snowy scene where shadows move in and out like wolves.
jennifer's avatar
This montage is about making music and what it means to people. It uses comments from a number of classical musicians interviewed for a radio series I record and produce called "The Main Street Sessions". The music is from "The Gospel of Thomas…
jennifer's avatar
I am singing/vocalizing audio to accompany short scenes in a film made by an artist friend of mine. She calls it "Pattern Pattern". This segment goes with a snowy scene where shadows move in and out like wolves.
Sudara's avatar
The text on this track comes off a B-side from one of [Putnam Aldrich's]( (my great-grandfather) records. He was a harpsichordist, a professor at Stanford, a chain smoker, and apparently had a sense…
Sudara's avatar
Sudara's avatar
Written for Oberlin production of "Closer" - metal samples from the oberlin scene shop and produced by Alec Longstreth banging on everything he can find. You can also check out [Driving in Rain]( which uses…
Sudara's avatar