Kevin Bud Jones
Latest Music
After Chris recorded his guitar tracks for track two here - we jammed this little piece out direct to a Zoom H2 recorder with no overdubs or editing in post. Chris Cochrane is a gifted guitarist with a emotional and visceral approach to his instrument…
I couldn't help but finally make a layered arpeggiated piece along the the lines of Philip Glass. I put it out there for a taker and Bill Grundmann wrote "I hear voices". I had no idea how many and how disturbing they would be. He created a mini…
Bryn dropped and alternative track in our box that was culled fro his previous elemnts but manipulated into a lurching schizoid glitch piece that I loved. So - I slowed it down and used noise removal in Audacity to add more strangeness to it…
Michael Marquesen suggested that he was going to add manipulated vocals to whatever I sent him - so I left the melody pretty open but attempted to create a full range bed with percussive elements for him to wok with. Not having drums at my disposable…
Found myself in something of a Teutonic state when I created a heavy track using white noise for percussion accents along with deep foreboding lines. What better instrument to mix in than Banjo? I knew Jim Bouchard would kill it and he did. Even…
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After Chris recorded his guitar tracks for track two here - we jammed this little piece out direct to a Zoom H2 recorder with no overdubs or editing in post. Chris Cochrane is a gifted guitarist with a emotional and visceral approach to his instrument…
I couldn't help but finally make a layered arpeggiated piece along the the lines of Philip Glass. I put it out there for a taker and Bill Grundmann wrote "I hear voices". I had no idea how many and how disturbing they would be. He created a mini…
Bryn dropped and alternative track in our box that was culled fro his previous elemnts but manipulated into a lurching schizoid glitch piece that I loved. So - I slowed it down and used noise removal in Audacity to add more strangeness to it…
Michael Marquesen suggested that he was going to add manipulated vocals to whatever I sent him - so I left the melody pretty open but attempted to create a full range bed with percussive elements for him to wok with. Not having drums at my disposable…
Found myself in something of a Teutonic state when I created a heavy track using white noise for percussion accents along with deep foreboding lines. What better instrument to mix in than Banjo? I knew Jim Bouchard would kill it and he did. Even…
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Rod Webber, Joey Slliks and Luke & Aaron Bellamy bring you sounds of love and death straight through the chip in the back of your neck.
From Mexico: the theme from "The Legend of Zelda"
From France: the jogging theme from "Punch-Out"
Latest Comments
Yves Baar sent me a midi piano file from Belgium and I found that if I slowed it down 20% and converted the piano to trombone and french horns that I was able to work closely with the synth - doubling and countering his melody.
this is as if the hugest ocean vessel in the entire world was passing by deep, wide, and intense.
This is the first piece that I recorded - just after midnite on Feb. 1st. with Anne Cozean in mind as vocalist. Anne and I have worked together before and she delivered a great performance across two tracks. I was thinking Portishead going in…
I couldn't help but finally make a layered arpeggiated piece along the the lines of Philip Glass. I put it out there for a taker and Bill Grundmann wrote "I hear voices". I had no idea how many and how disturbing they would be. He created a mini…
Wow. This is one of the most powerful pieces of music I've heard in a long time - RPM or not. Haunting. I was listening as I was sitting in my living room and this one really pulled me in. Those samples are sublimely placed and the soundbed moves it along without nudging it out of place. Well done guys!
After Chris recorded his guitar tracks for track two here - we jammed this little piece out direct to a Zoom H2 recorder with no overdubs or editing in post. Chris Cochrane is a gifted guitarist with a emotional and visceral approach to his instrument…
cool bud...
Kevin Bud Jones Cinematographer, Musician, Husband, Father, Activist
from Brooklyn, NY, United States
Stats and Stuff
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29 tracks