cdavespangler's listening history

Erik Spangler's avatar
One in a series of trip hop beats that I am making from samples that I recorded with an ensemble in January, of Schoenberg's "Pierrot Lunaire". Although we never got to play our "Pierrot Redux" in live performance, let nothing go to waste. I dedicate…
Erik Spangler's avatar
From my first album of beats, "Tompkins Count Organic", this song samples the banjo and voice of Frank Profitt, from an old Folkways recording. Also sampled is a composition of mine for violin, played by Rolf Schulte.
Erik Spangler's avatar
A track created for a character called Rainy, on the North walk (entitled "Life Is Monumental") of "Charm City Remix", a site-specific narrative by Kianga Ford.
Erik Spangler's avatar
I recorded this short piece on guitar for my friend Andy Hulse's 2003 film "High Lonesome". This part is for a driving scene with no dialogue. Early morning in a southwestern Texas landscape.
Erik Spangler's avatar
I recorded this short piece on guitar for my friend Andy Hulse's 2003 film "High Lonesome". This part is for a driving scene with no dialogue. Early morning in a southwestern Texas landscape.
Erik Spangler's avatar
I recorded this short solo vocal with a minidisc recorder while up in a tree. This is a one-take, one-track recording (with lots of delay added, to be sure). The bird you hear was actually accompanying me at the time. A later, expanded version…
Erik Spangler's avatar
Performed by my wife, Marie Rinkoski, on clarinet. Recorded in the woods around Ithaca NY, and layered with some scratchy vinyl pops. This clarinet melody is the introduction to a song I wrote on one of Pablo Neruda's Sonnets.
Erik Spangler's avatar
A meditative space for guitar, harp, vibraphone, english horn, french horn, viola, cello, and double bass, from my large work "Mandala of the Four Directions" (2004).
Erik Spangler's avatar
A meditative space for guitar, harp, vibraphone, english horn, french horn, viola, cello, and double bass, from my large work "Mandala of the Four Directions" (2004).
Erik Spangler's avatar
In the summer of 2001, I took a road trip across the United States with two friends on some grant money from my grad school program. Our mission was to make a multimedia art documentary about people's relationship to water in different parts of…