Crystal Dawn's listening history
"In a reformatted world with deleted people, there are still enough dead links that some individuals might indirectly be aware of the existence of those deleted. To everybody else, they'd seem either spiritual and/or mentally imbalanced…
I've spent so long making tweaks to this song I've forgotten how to play it.
A very simple experiment with layered electric guitars and some laidback beats.
Copyright © 2009 Tiago Castro Henriques, some rights reserved (
The image of cherry blossoms folding into a gravel footpath is from a poem by Kanoko Okamoto.
Originally from RPM '07 album, this version has been reworked a fair bit.
the phrase "on thatch, on leaves, on tin, on willow" is from the book "A House in Bali" by Colin McPhee
Originally for RPM '07 album.
It might drag on a bit long.