coelocanth's listening history

coelocanth's avatar
For Sound-In "wood" theme. Chair, koto, loopy app
coelocanth's avatar
Been watching the Ken Burns doc about the Dust Bowl. Trying to imagine the terror of driving in a Model T miles from home and being consumed by that rolling cloud. Animoog app.
Newbold's avatar
form the first part of the nov 2 2012 video... essentially I took the sound in the video and mixed it.
Newbold's avatar
mixed the second video's audio file and put some effects on it then killed the production as it had crashed the program that did the render but here is the youtube this is from a video I have recorded and as it seems the video caught some copyprotected…
Newbold's avatar
this is just too good I have to give the machine's all the credits I did little more then guide them thru this landscapes in timeless experiential effects. I will have the big video that was cut up and layered here before effects soon to see…
Newbold's avatar
something from the forth part of this video work i was doing.
Newbold's avatar
yes this is part three of the disk i did... this piece includes a hypnosis session doing a past life regression of me, bill newbold,. just edits in the sounds.
Newbold's avatar
something mixed out of the sound track to this video... yep the nov 2 2012 thingy. :)
Breaking Light's avatar
A 1700 mile road trip culminated in a gig in Amarillo at the 806.
Breaking Light's avatar
A 1700 mile road trip culminated in a gig in Amarillo at the 806.