coelocanth's listening history

Room 34's avatar
This is the new version of one of the tracks from my new project… rerecordings of some of my early solo recordings.
vaisvil's avatar
I found this vocal in my phone mailbox. Not sure who Reg was calling but I'll take advantage of the wrong number he dialed :-)
epimeison's avatar
The oniric gate has opened.
Mr Sandbags's avatar
I'm trying to experiment with intentionally combining two different sounds. Since I seem to find this difficult I am starting with using a drone as one of the sounds taking my inspiration from the opening tracks of the Brian Eno & Jah Wobble…
Djörk's avatar
I just got myself a new toy called Maschine. Maschine is a "Groove Production Studio." So I guess that makes this my first groove product.
Room 34's avatar
This is the new version of one of the tracks from my new project… rerecordings of some of my early solo recordings.
NO Id's avatar
For those who don't know "huracan" is spanish for hurricane.It's not everyday that we get one up in Philly! It wasn't as bad for me as it was for a lot of people I know...listen and hold on to your seat!!! Part of an upcoming cd called "Environments…
coelocanth's avatar
mash for improvFriday featuring J.C. Combs, Roger "ErocNet" Sundström and Lee Noyes/
coelocanth's avatar
a sound collage of various voice memos on the ipod nano. Michelangelo's didj tries to tie it all together.
coelocanth's avatar
NLog synth app improv