coelocanth's listening history

coelocanth's avatar
NLog synth app improv
Breaking Light's avatar
More harmonic/rhythmic tap with an ipod synth cherry on top.
Breaking Light's avatar
More harmonic/rhythmic tap with an ipod synth cherry on top.
Dave Berry's avatar
Well, my son and I were sitting around the backyard last night. A nice fire going, I was playing my acoustic, and we heard this crazy cricket chirping away very close to us. My son asked if I could record him with my "machine". Out came the…
Dave Berry's avatar
Here is my latest song, I was playing around with my Tele into my Adrenalinn III pedal with its beat sync'd effects which gave me some of the sounds here.
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
all cops go away allcops go away all cops go away allcops go awayall cops go away allcops go away all cops go away alall cops go away allcops go away all cops go away allcops go awaylcops go awayall cops go away allcops go away all cops go away…
bagamie's avatar
Lines on Maps's avatar
Two years later, here come some vocals. Multitrack goodness.
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
i shut off the first a/c at aroun:15, the second at around :30. This is not a sample, this is a new england bird outside my home. Ithink it's amockingbird, and I can only hope it is copying me.
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
this is a crazy POS I threw together for IMFF. That's improv }MF{ friday