Greg Connor's listening history

oldfolks2's avatar
So, a song about today's World, first and foremost , without Greg Connor and his imput to push me on this song it would've happened. Thanks Greg, you're a star. It's in my will, Greg, a third of all the profits go to you ....... sorry promised…
Greg Connor's avatar
Strange Times is an international collaboration between Roger Harris & myself. Roger initiated the idea with the first verse and chorus along with a chord progression. I added the last verse and took some liberty in producing this version…
slkrell's avatar
I wrote this over a year ago and could not get it. the groove was too slow and so were my hands. well tzars better. the concept came from a friend comparing his new love with a ten round boxing match . I could not resist.
oldfolks2's avatar
So, a song about today's World, first and foremost , without Greg Connor and his imput to push me on this song it would've happened. Thanks Greg, you're a star. It's in my will, Greg, a third of all the profits go to you ....... sorry promised…
oldfolks2's avatar
So, a song about today's World, first and foremost , without Greg Connor and his imput to push me on this song it would've happened. Thanks Greg, you're a star. It's in my will, Greg, a third of all the profits go to you ....... sorry promised…
zero's avatar
zero's avatar
Letter Seventeen's avatar
Written for the April 2020 RPM mini-challenge. I hoped for an EP and ended up with a single song. The song is largely recorded on a T25 mic I built for Brian of A Beautiful Scene as a means to test the mic. It's pretty solid if you ask me…
markus4lonetone's avatar
Hey, I just improvised again this night and wanted to share what came out. Usually I'm such a perfectionist and have to get every detail right, with the effect that I don't share a lot of stuff that I do. Here I recorded the first voice…
Greg Connor's avatar
Strange Times is an international collaboration between Roger Harris & myself. Roger initiated the idea with the first verse and chorus along with a chord progression. I added the last verse and took some liberty in producing this version…