Greg Connor's listening history

emperor75's avatar
The second part is 'Isolation'. This features me on guitar and drums programming and Chris on keyboards. Vocals to come soon! - Enjoy! ROUGH VOX!
Colleen Dillon's avatar
We haven't been together in several months, but we had pent up creativity, and then were inspired by Bill Maher.... who gave us the hook.... "Humans Aren't Good People" Welcome back to the MN Coffee table - Colleen, Greg and Mark!!!! Humans…
Greg Connor's avatar
Love is where you find it.
slkrell's avatar
My girl friend from Los Cruses, just got outa jail . You bet, that did not please my wife. This catch and release program is for the Gov'ner not me!
slkrell's avatar
A collaboration : music Greg Connor Lyrics : vocals, slkrell
Greg Connor's avatar
Steve Krell (SLKrell) and I have been feuding over the same girlfriend for a while now. In fact, there are several songs about her on Alonetone. Here is the latest in the story: SLKrell says it’s a drag Rosie made him pack his bag Always…
Greg Connor's avatar
Love is where you find it.
Greg Connor's avatar
I've been teasing Steve (SLKrell) about Rose, from Las Cruces Nevada, ever since he wrote a song about her for Valentines Day a few years ago. Rosie is a figment of our imagination. I wrote a song about stealing her away from Steve: http…
Greg Connor's avatar
Love is where you find it.
AMUC's avatar
flotsam and jetsam tossed ephemera unanswerable question entropic enigma She Crept Through The Lost And Found Seeking Pieces Of Her Thoughts And Dreams Unaware That The World Around Still Flowed Past As A Slow-Moving Stream time is…