Greg Connor's listening history

Greg Connor's avatar
Brace yourself! This is my latest Song Challenge entry for Carl Unbehaun’s Minnesota Homebrew Radio Show: Write a song about Groundhog’s Day, a Ground Hog or Woodchuck. ______________________________________________________ Nothing better…
Greg Connor's avatar
Here is my contribution to the January 2022 Solo Songwriting Challenge offered by the Minnesota Association of Songwriters. The goal was to take an idea from another song without plagiarizing and incorporate it in a new way. I chose a Public…
Newbold's avatar
Colleen Dillon's avatar
The Minnesota Association of Songwriters issued a writing challenge this January to "borrow" conceptually from a writer that has influenced our writing to create a new original work of our own. Once you hear this, I think you'll get the idea…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
The Minnesota Association of Songwriters issued a writing challenge this January to "borrow" conceptually from a writer that has influenced our writing to create a new original work of our own. Once you hear this, I think you'll get the idea…
igor's avatar
I write letters, but I don't send them and they go unanswered. I take them out and rewrite them, picking up the words and clarifying the meanings. I wait in hope that a reply will come someday. I continue the conversation when it's long over…
A Herd of Turtles's avatar
In recognition of the Winter Solstice our first submission to the 2022 RPM Challenge Record Every Month. Keyboard Dan Will Bass David True
A Herd of Turtles's avatar
This is our January submission to the REM Challenge. The song came together very quickly. Dan Will on Piano David True on Bass
Greg Connor's avatar
Here is my contribution to the January 2022 Solo Songwriting Challenge offered by the Minnesota Association of Songwriters. The goal was to take an idea from another song without plagiarizing and incorporate it in a new way. I chose a Public…
trawnajim's avatar
A bit of audio plasticity here, in that I've taken the sounds from Not Just Dreaming and run them through various effects processes to give this little ditty. Also submitted to Sound-In “Dreaming About Plastic Noises” for 13-20/01/2022.