Greg Connor's listening history

oldfolks2's avatar
Whilst messing around this sort of popped out ....
slkrell's avatar
I wrote this one morning but gave up tryin to sing it . then I asked my buddy Steve Schostal to do vocals . His Canadian accent was perfect for this . Notice how he leads the beat ‘wow perfect. I love Colabs
slkrell's avatar
Oh its a good time to go to Mexico lots of sun and tequila fish tacos Dont forget to come back now
slkrell's avatar
The Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn Forming the Christmas Star left we here breathless. I fiddled with the big foot telescope, Kim with her Ceremonial feathers and all, but we ended just holding hands Best of everything…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Well the song tells the story of the morning.... a lovely bleak, cold day. I decided on a simple a cappella arrangement to fit the feeling of the day. Happy Winter Solstice everyone! To brighter days ahead!!!! My Old Bones Know Better…
oldfolks2's avatar
A few of you may know this from my old account. If not it's a new one Ha, Ha. Seems to be from another Time and Space now ..... And a silly video for youu ...
Greg Connor's avatar
Bottle Neck Fender Stratocaster and Fender Jazz Bass
Rock Lobster's avatar
BROKEN BOTTLES Broken bottles on the shore You're molded to the bathroom floor Just like you were the day before All throughout the year and more No excuse, you're such a mess You break your word, you're honor-less A heartless soul…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
We decided to share one more piece of cherry pie! Thanks Greg Connor for this now epic song. Thanks to Paul for his beautiful music. Always a ton of fun to collaborate with!!!
Greg Connor's avatar
Inspired by Last Week's Winter Storm where the only people out driving around in it were the people trying to prove Darwin's theory of Natural Selection. Vocal addition by Colleen Dillon. Colleen also suggested the topic *"Winter Tune…