Dirty Spirits's listening history

Sandy Gritt's avatar
A hidden meaning...possibly?
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
I'm experimenting. You can probably tell. A track from the Raw Tape project that would have been RPM 2013 if I'd had chance to record it in February!
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
I'm experimenting. You can probably tell. A track from the Raw Tape project that would have been RPM 2013 if I'd had chance to record it in February!
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
Another song that didn't get recorded in February
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
Dirty Spirits's avatar
releasing my inner ozzy and tony iommi. had lots of fun with this one. started as a little middle of jam practice thing at the end of january. boy it took off. the whole band live on this one! this song is dedicated to Moschell, who motivated…
Dirty Spirits's avatar
releasing my inner ozzy and tony iommi. had lots of fun with this one. started as a little middle of jam practice thing at the end of january. boy it took off. the whole band live on this one! this song is dedicated to Moschell, who motivated…
Dirty Spirits's avatar
releasing my inner ozzy and tony iommi. had lots of fun with this one. started as a little middle of jam practice thing at the end of january. boy it took off. the whole band live on this one! this song is dedicated to Moschell, who motivated…
Dirty Spirits's avatar
releasing my inner ozzy and tony iommi. had lots of fun with this one. started as a little middle of jam practice thing at the end of january. boy it took off. the whole band live on this one! this song is dedicated to Moschell, who motivated…
Dirty Spirits's avatar
words by The Goods,E.G. & K.G. . music by me M.F. . our preferred rpm track . this song is about a coward and what he has coming, based on an assault of one of our loved ones. you can hear the anger. that is cool!