Dirty Spirits's listening history

Dirty Spirits's avatar
releasing my inner ozzy and tony iommi. had lots of fun with this one. started as a little middle of jam practice thing at the end of january. boy it took off. the whole band live on this one! this song is dedicated to Moschell, who motivated…
Dirty Spirits's avatar
releasing my inner ozzy and tony iommi. had lots of fun with this one. started as a little middle of jam practice thing at the end of january. boy it took off. the whole band live on this one! this song is dedicated to Moschell, who motivated…
Sandy Gritt's avatar
A hidden meaning...possibly?
Dirty Spirits's avatar
we just started rolling tape and this fell out of the sky and it felt great as it was happening too. we are all pretty rusty after little practice the last several months. trying to shake the dust off and ready a new rig for this years rpm challenge…
Dirty Spirits's avatar
A live version of a song from our first RPM effort AMERICAN ASHTRAY.
Dirty Spirits's avatar
return to a rpm song
Dirty Spirits's avatar
song for the angry ,delusional and unempathetic people .
Dirty Spirits's avatar
tune i have never been able to come up with the right words. maybe someday.
Dirty Spirits's avatar
tune i have never been able to come up with the right words. maybe someday.
Dirty Spirits's avatar
A live version of a song from our first RPM effort AMERICAN ASHTRAY.