Shine Free, Live True (Liquid Soul)
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William Ramsey (me) - guitars and synths
J Shermer - drums
some loops added too
funkrock with a mad hip hop beat
I can see this one growing ever so huge later.
Will I Ram, the lyrical genius and progressive thinker, RAMbles and guides your ears away from negative unknown forces by standing the test of holding and containing her beautiful landscape of peace, god and bliss for she is more than just his canvas!
Enjoyed that - the main riff is pretty compelling and the sax part towards the end is a touch of genius!
The atmosphere is dreamy and calm..the guitars although felt a bit rushed at firs but stabled themselves towards the middle. nice track man.
horsey see saw summer dog ox in long tall short round skip to the rooster's shine and is she in or who the hell and what is that powerful snake bite zooming slap shot is it peter paul and mary singing beezlebub blues the orange sky's between the goalies knees these dogs always bark at a cat on the otherside of the fence but before they forget, the earth is not flat, the fat of the land is the ocean breeze between the black hole screen where the fingers filtered out the microphone and the mirror, when you ride out, don't forget to shoot the breeze because the breeze will definitely knock you on your back, because like he said, two jacks don't make a king, a queen make a king what s/he is and this drunken sailor plays a mean brass ball game, wobbling down the halls, bang a gong, life is strong you bad robot, polaroid pictures and memories, changing moods from bad to bed, in the basement there's shadow wolves, turning at Em, cats and spoons flipping the matter upside down with mushrooms with flux masters with the 10th degree pointed like a wee genie, little elf less and clever little angel, of law to low and low you get high and higher, heat rises and spreads wild for the wild flower marijuana no matter how you pronounce the savior, plucking her petals , kissing her breeze, the rice is buried under the sea