dAb's listening history

theatomicbeat's avatar
Licoresse's avatar
Changed the last part
Licoresse's avatar
This song was inspired by a sample made by Sandbags (Neurotic beat 5) heard in the beginning (and throughout the piece). Thank you Matt!
Licoresse's avatar
Hear it in context of the Kadodka album
Mr Sandbags's avatar
When I uploaded this last night I thought it was a failure, this morning I am not so sure. I've just listened to it again and, while it fails to live up to my expectations when I started, there's something about it that I like. The initial…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
I elected to pursue my theme for RPM 2010 even though, ultimately, I decided not to take part. So I'm going at my own pace, not trying to produce "finished" works, or to be governed by anything except my experimental muse. The theme I chose…
Reefwalker's avatar
drip by drip.. I did the guitar and bass tracks first, then procured my 10 year olds cello for the main bass line :) I also tried my luck playing cello with a bow on this track- which was a new experience. The trumpet and violin bits are played…
JESMIAUS 's avatar
Post RPM Challenge song about one of my favorite drinks to whatever lyrics I wrote that was written after rpm 2009 but never recorded. Recorded guitars one day and added vocals the next. Cool tuning of B-A-D-G-B-D.
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Okay this is one for the serious noise freaks only. This is three instances of Loop Shifter that I played in real time using my Novation Launchpad. Turns out the launchpad makes a great keyboard for loop shifter, better than a real keyboard…
MF Hot Wheels Spaulding esq's avatar
a goulash of IAA vs C8ME pink stuff on the moon con dick soakin = a lot to listen to.