28 tracks by Dandy From Home
This is an extra track I added to hit the RPM requirements for an album, this one's not actually related to the album.
It's been so long
I can't remember
What I said to you
You probably don't either
You're walking away
I try not to pay attention
The dust in her rings
I try not to think about them
I want to float through the clouds on Saturn
I want…
You were in my dream the other night
We talked for a while
We fell in love
Then I got bored, and left the house
Then I came back, and you were out
Things were rocky from that day
We didn't talk to each other so much
I felt so bad for having…
I know
What it's like
To suffocate
When there's not any air
Left outside
Watching daylight leave the atmosphere
As long as you're there
I won't need my lungs
Your wind's whistling to my hum
The cold hydrogen, helium
Poisons me
How do you find me
You manifest in dances
And my dreams
Worn out the windows
I can't see you
Love anymore
In then exhale
When I'm around you
I forget
Down the flyers
If I can't see them
I'll be okay…
My mood keeps changing, something's broken
Maybe it's you
Maybe it's not
I try to replace it, let the clean air in
But I feel so cold
Maybe you do too
I'll think about messaging you sometimes
But then I don't
I'm too scared to
Every day is drifting further off
I can't get you out
Of my head
These feelings come and go all of the time
Sometimes they fade
Then I see you again
Oh I've always loved you and him together
I hope that doesn't change
But I can't keep…
I can feel Saturn pull me closer to her
I can't see her rings, but I know she's there
Am I floating
Am I tethered
Are we moving
Are we still here
Am I floating
Am I tethered
Are we moving
Are we still here
In my heart, I know you…