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The Division Bell

David G Harrington

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Now I am completely aware there is a Pink Floyd album with the same name but the name seemed to suit the topic covered very well.

What is the topic? The absolute evils of social media and how it is rotting our once great civilisation from the inside out.

Division is stoked for profit, they deliberately provoke you into outrage in order to generate more revenue and division is the best earner of all. They live in your head rent free and they pick your pocket while doing so.

You must be free to speak, whatever you have to say and whether it might upset someone or not. That is your absolute right. Free speech is like being pregnant, you are either all in or you are not.

Believe me, whether you know it or not when you support censorship and virtual book burning they will be coming for you next. Count on it.

It’s all about the money, THEY BELIEVE IN NOTHING.

Someone’s making money
When they ring the division bell
Driving a wedge between us
How hate grows more well who can tell

A sweet little distraction
Coupled with a sleight of hand
The truth is faster than the eye
But it’s on its horse riding out of town

And I know
There must be a way to make love grow

That thing in your hand
Controlling your mind
And burning your thoughts
Making you blind

It’s not on your side
It’s rotting your brain
and know you’re being played
It makes you insane

Divison bell
Is ringing out loud
Distrubute the pitchfork
Out to the crowd

Burning the heretics
Until the heretic is you

Invisible enemies
Gather around your cyber grave
And they laugh at your silence
At all the things you fear to say

The control is absolute
Fear clamps like a vice
Promised endless freedom
Disappears like the mist into the night

And I know
There must be a way to make love grow

