Discount Deity's listening history

Discount Deity's avatar
It's called "Seven" because it was the 7th track I recorded. And because I was out of clever titles. It gave me an odd pleasure to make "Seven" the 6th track on the album. Anyway, it sounds to me like the bastard child of elevator music and…
Discount Deity's avatar
OK, I cheated. The RPM Challenge, for those of you who aren't familiar, is a challenge to record an entire album (10 songs or 35 minutes) of original material during the month of February, just because you can. Writing the material during…
Reefwalker's avatar
This song is not for everyone but I like it because its a live recording with a single instrument using infinity delay FX. (I turned on the loop delay at :09 after the guitar was flat on the floor.) All the sounds are made with an acoustic bass…
Discount Deity's avatar
Solo acoustic number from our 2009 album Was/Is. I used most of the chords I know in this song.
Discount Deity's avatar
Far more bouncy and cheery than the title might suggest.
Discount Deity's avatar
Solo acoustic number from our 2009 album Was/Is. I used most of the chords I know in this song.
Sudara's avatar
My 2007 24 hour album. I did about 18 hours and 18 minutes!