Discount Deity's listening history

Discount Deity's avatar
A nice cheery dirge for you all. Do not listen while operating heavy machinery.
Discount Deity's avatar
Not really a "Fun in the sun" Beach song. More like a Beach at midnight. Still, there is a pretty big Beach Boys influence here, I think. The backing vocals were staggered to sound like waves breaking on the beach. Not 100% sure it worked…
Discount Deity's avatar
Far more bouncy and cheery than the title might suggest.
Discount Deity's avatar
I think this is the most recently-written song on the album.
Discount Deity's avatar
A nice cheery dirge for you all. Do not listen while operating heavy machinery.
Discount Deity's avatar
I'm not one to toot my own horn, but I think I did a good job of summoning up a mellow, trippy atmosphere with a relatively minimalist arrangement (acoustic guitar, two pianos, lead vocal, and a guitar solo).
Discount Deity's avatar
Kind of a Neil Young impression, I guess. You know what's ironic? I think this was the only song on the album I didn't use a metronome to record.
Discount Deity's avatar
The title is borrowed from a line from an old Simpsons episode, but there is no other lyrical connection, it's just a quickly-written ditty about the excitement that accompanied my first RPM. I hope to eventually do a full band arrangement of this.
Discount Deity's avatar
I don't write love songs very often. Because I'm not good at them. I liked the sort of bittersweet quality of this tune, though. If the RPM deadline had left me more time, I probably would have added a quick ascending bass line right before…
Discount Deity's avatar
Not really a "Fun in the sun" Beach song. More like a Beach at midnight. Still, there is a pretty big Beach Boys influence here, I think. The backing vocals were staggered to sound like waves breaking on the beach. Not 100% sure it worked…