Djörk's listening history

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This one almost got abandoned, I didn't seem to be getting anywhere with it. It started as I was looking for a sound for another track (which really isn't getting anywhere) and I came across a chime sound that I thought would be lovely with a…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Increasingly I think the music I am making is less about sound design and more about expressing some of the things inside of me that want out. I guess I may be starting to know what I want. This one started with a beat (using Stylus RMX to…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
I'm learning to play piano and my teacher has given me 'Old Joe Clarkes Boogie' to play. For 2 weeks it has kicked my ass. But I'm getting to grips with it now and this is my revenge! The musical parts were recording using my Kurzweil SP3X…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Honestly I have no idea where this came from or how. I was messing with Omnisphere patches and came across a lovely, flutey, breathy sound that put me in mind of the scenes inside the monolith at the end of 2001. I setup a Rytme pattern to…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
"So I imagine that the Theocrat of Pan Tang (after a hard day of summoning awesome horrors from other planes to do his bidding) drops in to the gardens of pain to catch some of the Hwamgaarl Cabaret." Tonight's performance features the Bechstein…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Space Trumpet was an excuse to try out my new plugin "Little Spacey" from Expert Sleepers and also to exercise the Kore sounds from Acoustic Refractions. MIDI was supplied via IAC from Reaktor using Lazyfish's Spiral sequencer. The project…
hotmeatballs's avatar
hotmeatballs's avatar
hotmeatballs's avatar
CMOR's avatar
All parts by CMOR 2012