Djörk's listening history
Was this the crappy, overlong, attempt at an ambient track that I did to try and fill time?
Oh wait, I think this may be the crappy ambient track.
A very dull title, I guess my hopes for this track are not high :)
Everything was getting to complex and messy so I tried to go back to layering more simple patterns with this one.
I liked the sound of this one but I don't know if it works as a track.
The first track I built, back when I was still full of hope for this exercise. I'm not convinced the hope survived it :)
I've had a bit of a love/hate relationship with this one.
I enjoyed making the beats and think that part came out pretty good but everything after that felt rather haphazard and didn't feel right to me.
I was close to abandoning the track…
This is quite an old track that got abandoned because I didn't feel it was right or going anywhere.
But listening to it in iTunes this morning I thought it passed muster. I don't think it has enough variation to justify it's length but it's gently…
So this track was purely for the fun of it. I was messing about in Omnisphere and came across this wonderful sound that reminded me of the guild highliners in Dune.
I built a beat around in using Stylus, Ricochet, and Dubstation. Then added more…