Rod Webber
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I wanted to write something Inspired by John Lurie's music from the kids TV show "Oswald." Here it is...
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HI , nice 2 meet. somewhat new on this forum but glad i heard this. very cool track good vox. presence and modulation . very catchy beat . wish u all the best god bless NEIL.!
This appeals to my inner geek. (Okay, maybe not so inner..) It's like if you took Aesop Rock, and put him into a B-rated sci-fi movie or an Atari video game.
They say Mr. Webber is camped out in a bomb-shelter attempting to perfect the art of time travel. However, Rod insists that he’s simply doing his best to complete the community service he’s got to do for covering the ceilings of government spaceships with religious paintings.
from Paper City, United States Minor Outlying Islands
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