Djörk's listening history

Norm's avatar
CROSS-OVER POLYRHYTHMS This is actually a type of enharmonic polymeter, where 2 rhythms with **different meters** (i.e., a different numbers of beats/measure) are played at the **same tempo**: the measures do not line up each time. These rhythms…
Norm's avatar
A 7/8 improvisation on a set of 3 Bata drums, accented with afucha, tube shekere and cowbell. The number 7 is a symbol for perfection or completeness: 7 colors in a rainbow, 7 musical notes in a scale, 7 days = a week, etc. In Cuba, the…
Alter Ego's avatar
The story behind 'honk hee honk'
Alter Ego's avatar
This is from years ago, living in santa fe. I loved driving around in my little 1980s toyota corolla and listening to cassettes. I loved the way they sounded. So I took a piano song I was working on, recorded it to cassette, dragged mic…
Alter Ego's avatar
Arrsuarez came to Hawaii to write this song with me.
Peter Rudenko's avatar
A soundtrack for the game I've once built: 320 kbps version
epimeison's avatar
A bit of 'Cymbaline', one of the most wonderfull songs by Pink Floyd. I hope you like and/or enjoy.
lgh's avatar
Another jam session in Holdempok's garage back in October of 2010. Myself playing slide guitar, Mike chanting and playing rhythm guitar. at least until the cops came and told us to turn it down! LG
epimeison's avatar
For that beautiful, faraway, lost and gone past time.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Instrumentation Demonstration to try applying the Gunslinger sound to a more bluesy progression. Bass is a bass, guitar is a guitar. The drums are a digital pad kit connected to an Alesis trigger I/O to make them MIDI capable. Generally, I…